Italian travel diary

We started the journey early morning on 14 th March 2018. Our group consisted of two teachers and three students. We arrived to Palermo at 6 p.m. After our arrival in Palermo, we had to solve a problem with the lost suitcase and then we met our families. We enjoyed the first great dinner.

The first day

Our meeting started in the school of our Sicilian friends. There was a special ceremony as the official start of the project. The headmaster had the speech and it was followed by the presentations of all the countries. Then, at the lunch break, we had the opportunity to taste the traditional Sicilian meal arrancina. After the lunch we met again and then we took a train to get closer to the old Norman Palace which we visited. The programme ended at 5 p.m. And then Monika finally got my suitcase.

The second day

The next day we met at school and the bus took us to Monreale. Monreale is situated on the top of the mountain Monte Caputo. On the way there we saw a car accident but fortunately it wasn’t serious. in Monreale we had an excursion to the huge cathedral. Our guide was from Poland. Within the tour we had a small workshop in which we created mandals in different ways. Then we returned to Palermo.

The third day

This day we were divided into groups A and B. We could watch how the restaurator corrected the paintings. We exchanger our experiences. Later we met to have a lunch and I ate arrancina again. Then we had a free afternoon, we went to the clothes shops. We almost forgot about the time and we had to run for our meeting.

The fourth day

Today we met at the Massimo Theatre, our teachers bought the tickets so that we could visit and see this great theatre inside. After the tour we took a picture of Sisa mascot and watched a local marathon. After the break we went to the National Museum of Palermo. There were lots of old things and a nice fountain with turtles.

After a pause when we were going to go to the Palatin Chapel tour. A guy on a motorbike, who carried loudspeakers and started to play some songs, came to the square, and everyone started dancing (including us) and it was probably the best experience because that can´t happen in the Czech Republic. After the departure of this guy we finally got to the Palatin Chapel tour. After
the tour we went to our host houses.

Fifth day

The end came so fast, and we knew that for a while we will have to say goodbye
to our new friends . But before than we packed our suitcases and we last met again at school. The program was free. I personally part time spent with Federica in her class with her classmates. We visited also preparatory workshops with virtual reality, production of flowers from the toilet rolls.

The time for lunch approached. Parents of Sicilians students prepared typical food for us and so we could have lunch all together. We danced last Sicilian dance o’sarracino, we got a photo of all the group from the first day, we couldn´t stop crying and we went home and enjoyed the last evening with our twins.

We arrived home safely and we are really glad that we found new friends in Sicily. Thank you all for warm hospitality. 🙂 Vivat Italy! Grazie!

Czech team – Katka, Julie, Monika and teachers Šárka and Pavlína

Thinklink travel diary – Czech

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