Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing the air temperature near the surface of earth. This research was contacted as part of the Erasmus+ project Smart “Science meets Art” in order to see the impact of global warming to the 7 countries that participate in our program: Greece, Italy, Spain, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Czech Republic. The students of our schools gathered data concerning the temperatures at their countries for a long period of time, 118 years. The data was gathered and categorized in order to create charts that show the temperature variations during that period.
You can read the full paper here
The summary of the results is that the global warming can’t be seen as a future concern. It is a reality and serious measurements should be taken in order to prevent the deterioration of the effect. Unfortunately, according to predictions, unless serious actions are taken, the global warming will keep existing and getting worse every decade. According to those predictions the increase of temperature at the end of this century will be about 5 oC, which may not seem too much but for a planet is disastrous.
The prediction for the expected temperature raise at the last 20 years of our century as shown hereQ