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Category Archives: Meetings
Programmes of TPM during our project
During our project we had five TPM meetings, you can find the programmes of them in this article. The meetings helped us to organised the entire project. We started in Netherland in November 2017, then we continue in Italy, Spain and The Czech Republic – these meetings were held together with LTT. And last meeting of our teachers team was in Finnland in September 2019. Continue reading
Programmes of LTT during our project
During our project we organised five LTT courses, the programmes of this activities you can find in this article. Partner´s schools organised activities for more then two hundred students and their teachers.We started in sunny Palermo in March 2018, then we travelled to cold Iceland in April 2018 and finnished this year in Spain in September. Next year we met in The Czech Republic in January 2019 and finnished in Greece in May. Continue reading
TPM meeting in Finland 16-20.9.2019
Iammin vastaanotto taiteen ja luonnon valilla: a warm welcome between Art and Nature
A warm welcome between Art and Nature
This time the main theme of the last TPM meeting was ” Recycling and Environment”. On 16/9/2019 the Italian teachers G. Monteleone and A. Perconte landed to Finland.
Everybody arrived according to the scheduled time and Salo offered us a warm welcome with a cooking class. According to what previously agreed, each delegation of the participating countries introduced their traditions by offering a typical regional dish.
Moreover each delegation presented their own city and educational institution to the Moision kuolu also using the multimedia material created during the various phases of the project. Teachers visited the school and appreciated the classes of carpentry, iron working, art and music, and finally the craft class (which includes activities related to the domestic economy). The activity continued at Teijo where the teachers met the artist Tuula Nikulainen with whom they held a workshop experimenting an artistic handicraft made with the use of natural materials. Continue reading
Last transnational meeting of our project
The teachers of seven partner schools meet face to face for the last time during our international project. The meeting starts on Monday, 16th September, in Finland. The end is on Friday, 20th September 2019. The host school is Moisio koulu, one of the four junior high schools in Salo, with 580 pupils and 60 teachers. Our project SMART will end last day of September.
Pictures of the meeting in Pyrgos, Greece
Icelandic travel diary to Greece
It was an excited group of people who traveled to Pyrgos Greece. Three teachers and three students, Bogi, Alla, Jóhanna, Aldís, Margrét, and Sigríður. Because it is a long journey between the countries we stayed for two nights in Athens. We landed in the late evening so there was just time to have dinner and rest. The second day we walked around the city visited Akropolis, the president’s palace, the gardens in the centrum of Athens and did a little window shopping. The following day there was the bus tour to Pyrgos. The bus tour was pleasant, the scenery in Grecce is quite different from what we are used to in Iceland. Continue reading
Czech travel diary from Pyrgos, Greece
On 4th May we met on the train station in Brno aproximately at 9 a.m. Our team went to Greece to take part in the last meeting within the international Erasmus+ project entitled “SMART – Science meets art.” The members of the project team were the teachers: Šárka Špičková, Pavlína Trnková, the students: Lucka, Honza and Veronika. The course How Logic was transformed into theatre was organised by 1ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΠΥΡΓΟΥ. Continue reading