Recycled material to set up a puppet theatre.
In this video, made by Giulia and Federica, our students built a puppet theatre with recycled material.
They decided to represent on the stage the myth of Cerere and Proserpina, typically Sicilian, that explains why in Sicily there are six months of good weather.
The characters of the story are Proserpina (daughter of Cerere and Zeus, goddess of Spring), Cerere (goddess of the harvest), Hades (god of the underworld), Hermes (messenger of the gods), Zeus (god of the gods)
This is the myth and the plot of our little video: Proserpina, daughter of Zeus and Cerere, was a beautiful girl. She was picking up flowers and walking around the countryside while Ade, god of hell, saw her and fell in love and kidnapped her, taking her to his kingdom. Cerere and Zeus were worried. Zeus asked Hermes to go down to the hell to find his daughter . When Hermes found Proserpina she was very happy to go back to her family, but explained to Hermes that she had eaten a pomegranate seed thus breaking the rules, as a punishment she had to stay there. So Zeus, the father of all gods, decided that Proserpina could stay with her mother on earth for six months and the remaining six months down in hell with her husband Ade.
This myth explains why in Sicily there is Spring for such a long time!
Recycled material to set up a puppet theatre.
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