The last Italian Erasmus plus experience at Trapani and Mozia: still on the Science and Art link

The last experience of the Erasmus plus project conducted by our school took place in the city of Trapani and the island of Mozia. Students of the last grade (5 ^ B) , that has actively participated in the project since its beginning, were involved in the last Erasmus plus experience  visiting Trapani, the dark tower and the astronomical clock and the Church of Purgatory. They visited also the Phoenician island of Mozia with its vestiges of the Carthaginian era and the Withaker Archaeological Museum. Our students were enthusiastic and to illustrate and share the experience they produced a meticulous and complex multimedia product creating an electronic postcard with Thinglink. They have grown over the years even with the ICT of the Erasmus plus project and they became excellent! This electronic postcard includes twenty photos, descriptions and a video! A pleasure to watch it!

Here is the link:


Iammin vastaanotto taiteen ja luonnon valilla: a warm welcome between Art and Nature

A warm welcome between Art and Nature

This time the main theme of the last TPM meeting was ” Recycling and Environment”. On 16/9/2019 the Italian teachers G. Monteleone and A. Perconte landed to Finland.
Everybody arrived according to the scheduled time and Salo offered us a warm welcome with a cooking class. According to what previously agreed, each delegation of the participating countries introduced their traditions by offering a typical regional dish.
Moreover each delegation presented their own city and educational institution to the Moision kuolu also using the multimedia material created during the various phases of the project. Teachers visited the school and appreciated the classes of carpentry, iron working, art and music, and finally the craft class (which includes activities related to the domestic economy). The activity continued at Teijo where the teachers met the artist Tuula Nikulainen with whom they held a workshop experimenting an artistic handicraft made with the use of natural materials. Continue reading

Summer photographic reportage about Science and Art

Just like during summer 2018, before the mobility in Zaragoza, even this year, summer was for our SMART students an opportunity to reflect on the interaction between Science and Art.

They therefore focused on artistic beauties and opportunities for scientific knowledge around them in their holiday destinations. The photographic reportage produced this time goes beyond Sicily, however it revolves around Italy. For young art lovers it was a real race in search of details, for those more attracted by science, the uncontaminated nature of some areas of Sicily offered some valuable hints. The photo gallery of our students takes us to the soon coming Finnish mobility.

Together for the environment and nature

Together for the environment and nature
On 5 June, on the occasion of the “World Environment Day”, our school, in relation to the activity of the Erasmus plus project “SMART: Science Meets Art”, raised students awareness (after the LegaAmbiente and SMART DAY initiatives) to problems relating to global warming by connecting meteorology, nature and art. Through this project the students made videos using photos of different landscapes (sunrises and sunsets) to make them aware of the importance of the ecosystem. Continue reading

“June 5: World Environment Day” Palermo

Caring about our planet is a moral obligation

Every year, since June 5, 1972, World Environment Day has ben celebrated. This date was chosen during the first UN conference on the environment, held in Stockholm, during which the “Stockholm Declaration” was established, which defined the twenty-six principles on the rights and responsibility of men towards the environment . This year we are celebrating the environment day on the theme of air pollution and the climate crisis.

The slogan is “Beat air Pollution” or “defeating climate pollution”. It is therefore necessary not only to moderate actions and think more about the planet, but to spread the message as much as possible. Environment Day aims to focus on environmental issues by offering people the opportunity to be active stakeholders in sustainable development.
In our school, thanks to the initiatives of LEGAMBIENTE and the ERASMUS PLUS project “SMART: Science Meets Art”, this awareness became deeper during the course of the school year. On June 5, they also carried out researches, newspaper articles and video galleries on environmental issues, global warming but also on the beauty of our Nature. The opportunity was given to enhance the beauty of nature, through the use of specific Apps, creating a shared class gallery containing all our photos taken during school trips or on particular days of the year and were created then videos with photos of sunrises, sunsets, clouds, flowers to connect meteorology, nature and art. Since last year our school has been committed to the Erasmus plus project which has now come to an end with this final moment linked to our Earth. We need to think of our beloved Earth also through the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt: “The nation that destroys its own soil destroys itself”.
The students of the 2nd Du

Flood_Palermo 2018 – HD 720p

And now some videos: the first made by the 2 Eu, the second from the 5Du, the third made by the 2Gu

Recycled material to set up a puppet theatre.

Recycled material to set up a puppet theatre.
In this video, made by Giulia and Federica, our students built a puppet theatre with recycled material.
They decided to represent on the stage the myth of Cerere and Proserpina, typically Sicilian, that explains why in Sicily there are six months of good weather.
The characters of the story are Proserpina (daughter of Cerere and Zeus, goddess of Spring), Cerere (goddess of the harvest), Hades (god of the underworld), Hermes (messenger of the gods), Zeus (god of the gods)
This is the myth and the plot of our little video: Proserpina, daughter of Zeus and Cerere, was a beautiful girl. She was picking up flowers and walking around the countryside while Ade, god of hell, saw her and fell in love and kidnapped her, taking her to his kingdom. Cerere and Zeus were worried. Zeus asked Hermes to go down to the hell to find his daughter . When Hermes found Proserpina she was very happy to go back to her family, but explained to Hermes that she had eaten a pomegranate seed thus breaking the rules, as a punishment she had to stay there. So Zeus, the father of all gods, decided that Proserpina could stay with her mother on earth for six months and the remaining six months down in hell with her husband Ade.
This myth explains why in Sicily there is Spring for such a long time!