The last Italian Erasmus plus experience at Trapani and Mozia: still on the Science and Art link

The last experience of the Erasmus plus project conducted by our school took place in the city of Trapani and the island of Mozia. Students of the last grade (5 ^ B) , that has actively participated in the project since its beginning, were involved in the last Erasmus plus experience  visiting Trapani, the dark tower and the astronomical clock and the Church of Purgatory. They visited also the Phoenician island of Mozia with its vestiges of the Carthaginian era and the Withaker Archaeological Museum. Our students were enthusiastic and to illustrate and share the experience they produced a meticulous and complex multimedia product creating an electronic postcard with Thinglink. They have grown over the years even with the ICT of the Erasmus plus project and they became excellent! This electronic postcard includes twenty photos, descriptions and a video! A pleasure to watch it!

Here is the link:


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