Our project Erasmus+: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, “SMART – Science Meets Art” consists of a partnership of 7 high schools with students of 13-18 years old, from Greece, Spain, the Czech Republic, Italy, Finland, Iceland and the Netherlands. Our project starts on 1st of October 2017. And it will finish on 30 th of September 2019.
Quite many pupils think that school Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are extremely difficult and not useful in their lives. Many pupils, too, face Literature, History and Sociology as subjects without reflection in real life so they find these subjects very boring. The result in both cases is that students are not interested in studying these subjects anymore.
The main aim of the project is to make Science less abstract, more grounded in everyday life, and easier to understand. This objective will be achieved through the connection between Scientific, ICT and Artistic disciplines, so Science will become more visible around us, and its beauty and logic will emerge.
Another objective is related to the fact that comparing the way in which Science is studied in different European countries will provide the students with an additional motivation to study scientific subjects, and will arouse in teachers the will to develop a transdisciplinary thinking and to use innovating teaching methods and skills to prepare students for lifelong learning. So, all the participants will perceive that solutions are found everywhere.
As another objective of the project is to make all its stages visible to a broad audience, long term sustainability will be reached in the field of education through the sharing of the outcomes.