Visits of our web page during the project

Our project web page had more then 25 thousand unique visitors and more then 36 thousand visits from October 2017 till October 2019. We were encoured by our domain administrator to participate in The .eu Web Awards 2019 (it is an online competition, designed to acknowledge the best websites, using the .eu or .ею extensions, in five dynamic categories). We were dissmised our web page in category Laurels which is for education institution. Continue reading

e-Twinning and SMART

eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. Our project is a part of this community, you can find the public profil here:

Italian Seppo and Kahoot games

Seppo application, that we get to discover thanks to the SMART project, is certainly a fun way to let our students discover their city and artistic places. Thanks to this application, teachers organize a sort of treasure hunts within the cities or within a place of interest. In our case, what can be better than to start organizing a game inside our Opera theater?  Furthermore Kahoot game is ready too!

We needed to test how it would take place during our next first student mobility on March.

This is a funny way to learn!

Massimo Theater: Seppo game and Kahoot game


Who we are: our school, our city and “Art & Science” lessons at school

The first TPM is coming: we introduce ourselves with a presentation and a video about our school, two videos about Palermo and finally ….. Art and Science lessons!

We are SMART people: let’s start!

Italian school: Istituto Magistrale “C. Finocchiaro Aprile”

presentazione Scuola 



Italian Science and Art lessons
