Global warming

Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing the air temperature near the surface of earth.   This research was contacted as part of the Erasmus+ project Smart “Science meets Art” in order to see the impact of global warming to the 7 countries that participate in our program: Greece, Italy, Spain, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Czech Republic. The students of our schools gathered data concerning the temperatures at their countries for a long period of time, 118 years. The data was gathered and categorized in order to create charts that show the temperature variations during that period.

You can read the full … Continue reading

5th Ltt in Pyrgos-Art and Science photos and video

The 5th Ltt took place in Pyrgos, Greece. Among other workshops our students tried to take photos and videos of all the monuments and spots they visited and made impression to them in order to create a photo show and a short video about the Art and Science spots in Pyrgos.

The photos:

and the video

Recycled material to set up a puppet theatre.

Recycled material to set up a puppet theatre.
In this video, made by Giulia and Federica, our students built a puppet theatre with recycled material.
They decided to represent on the stage the myth of Cerere and Proserpina, typically Sicilian, that explains why in Sicily there are six months of good weather.
The characters of the story are Proserpina (daughter of Cerere and Zeus, goddess of Spring), Cerere (goddess of the harvest), Hades (god of the underworld), Hermes (messenger of the gods), Zeus (god of the gods)
This is the myth and the plot of our … Continue reading

Italian travel diary and video of a fantastic Erasmus experience in Pyrgos

These are all the student’s travel diary of the Greek course. In their words there is all the gratitude for this beautiful experience. Thanks, Pyrgos!


Pyrgos: links between Greece and Sicily

Students and teachers from the seven countries met in Pyrgos from 5th to 11th May 2019.On our arrival “late at night” we were welcomed by families and colleagues and all through the week the group experienced a positive atmosphere which made our stay more and more enjoyable and interesting.

The week started with a presentation of students’ videos on ”How logic was transformed into theatre”. Italian students showed a beautiful video on the legend of Volcano which highlighted the links between Greece and Sicily.