Student’s Italian works before the first LTT: fractal art, Conic Section, golden ratio, Politeama theatre, Palatin Chapel

Our students are ready to do the guides around Palermo.

The meeting program is busy and the students studied fractals, conic sections and the main features of our monuments.

In order to create the fractal art we will use this application:

These are their works about the Palatin Chapel, the Conic Section and the golden ratio.


The Palatin Chapel di Alice G.

Conic sections di Roberto M.

The golden ratio di Irene C.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22



Photos related to golden number φ

The Golden Number or Ratio is considered as the most beautiful ratio in art and architecture for centuries. From the Parthenon to Salvador Dali’s The Sacrament of the Last Supper the Golden Ratio has been found  in some of the world’s most celebrated creations.

Represented by the greek letter phi (φ), the Golden Ratio is the irrational value: φ=1.61803. In order to find the φ we can have a line segment and divide it into two smaller segments such that the ratio of the whole line segment (a+b) to segment a is the same as the ratio of segment a to segment b, like this

or using algebric form .

The geometrical representation of this is the golden rectangle which looks like this

Our team tried to find some of the most known art works that are created by using the φ ratio. The result is this video:

and some more examples

Italian Seppo and Kahoot games

Seppo application, that we get to discover thanks to the SMART project, is certainly a fun way to let our students discover their city and artistic places. Thanks to this application, teachers organize a sort of treasure hunts within the cities or within a place of interest. In our case, what can be better than to start organizing a game inside our Opera theater?  Furthermore Kahoot game is ready too!

We needed to test how it would take place during our next first student mobility on March.

This is a funny way to learn!

Massimo Theater: Seppo game and Kahoot game